During the Summer of 2012, Sugar Land Swim School's staff consisted of 25 instructors and 8 water watchers. From mid-May to mid-September SLSS served 421 swimmers. Learning how to swim is an unforgettable experience - read below what our staff members recall about learning how to swim!
"I learned how to swim when I was 4 years old. What I remember most about learning how to swim was floating in the water with empty milk jugs in my hands. It was so much fun! I was never afraid and always wanted to try new things in the water, which led to joining a swim team when I was 7 and my lifelong love of the sport."
-Catherine, Founder & Owner
"I learned how to swim when I was 6 years old. What I remember most about learning how to swim was not bending my knees too much while kicking."
-Jeffrey, Water Watcher
"I learned how to swim when I was 7 years old. What I remember most about learning how to swim was jumping off the blocks in rec league and just moving my arms and kicking. We also used to practice our kicks laying flat out on the concrete in the hot summer sun."
-Christine, Instructor
"I learned how to swim when I was 3 years old. What I remember most about learning how to swim was being independent for the first time. I loved being able to get in the water and just play around with no support of floaties or my parents. This love of being independent led to the love of the sport and thats why I have been swimming year around since 1999!"
-Sarah, Instructor
"I learned how to swim when I was 8 years old. What I remember most about learning how to swim was my dad teaching me and my brother how to swim in our neighborhood pool! We always hung on to our dad in the deep end. He taught me how to dive and do flips off the diving board. Then I started swimming summer league which lead to club swimming."
-Valerie, Instructor
"I learned how to swim when I was 3 years old, but it wasn't till I was 7 that I could swim above water. I remember when I was 5 and not a very strong swimmer I went to the club pool and asked my grandma to slide down the slide. She was waiting at the bottom of the slide and looked over at the diving board to see me jumping in the pool. Swimming is an important skill to know no matter where you go with it."
-Faye, Water Watcher
"I learned how to swim when I was 3 years old. What I remember most about learning how to swim was always being terrified of the water when the lesson started, but as the class progressed and my instructors coaxed me out of my fears, I never wanted to get out of the pool when the class was over. Then the cycle would start again day after day until I figured out how to float on my back. My hair has basically never dried since then because after that was accomplished, I have never stopped swimming."
-Natalie, Instructor
"I learned how to swim when I was 6 years old. I lived in Saudi Arabia when I was younger and I remember just playing in the pools with my friends because it was so hot. Whenever I moved back to the US my best friend and I loved to swim so we joined Torpedoes together, and ever since then I have just loved swimming. Learning to swim, and learning to correct techniques can be difficult at moments, but everything is worth it for that moment when you finally get it."
-Christy, Instructor
"I learned how to swim when I was 5 years old. What I remember most about learning how to swim was that getting into the water was the most difficult obstacle that I faced as a swimmer. Everything else just came naturally! Swimming helped me to form lifelong friendships and to learn to challenge myself to do better."
-Oscar, Instructor
"I learned how to swim when I was 5 years old. What I remember most about learning how to swim was to stay relaxed in the water. Swimming can be the easiest sport to learn or the hardest. For me it was hard to learn but after sticking with it, I learned to love living in the water for multiple hours each day."
-Crosby, Instructor